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Author Tips

I have been fortunate enough to have made some amazing connections and aquire a ton of wisdom and knowledge over my author career. Feel free to scroll through for some of my tips and tricks! Please note that this advice comes from my personal experience. Not everything is for everyone, so if it doesn't work for you, that's okay! I am also in the process of compiling an Indie Author 101 book, and the snippets you see here will be included in that.

So you want to write a book...


I know this seems like a simple question, but it really isn't. Inspiration can come from ANYWHERE. Most authors I have talked to (including myself — yes, I talk to myself) have said that it just 'hit' them. Whether it be from a song, a walk, a book, a movie, a social interaction or even something on social media, there's usually something that just tickles your brain in the right way. So instead, I ask you these questions in return: what do you find yourself gravitating to? Why? Is there something you're curious about? And finally, what feeds the spark in your belly? The answers to those questions are your starting point.


Happy creating!

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